Sunday, 8 May 2011

Exodus Print


Here is the print I made for the Tic Toc pop up shop organised by Efdeay in cahoots with Hato Press. They invited 24 artists & illustrators to make the work and have Hato print it all within a 24 hour timeframe, each was then printed in an edition of 24 and sold at the shop for the 24 hours it was open. Some really rad people were involved like Ian Stevenson, Peter Nencini, Luke Ramsey, Daniel Swan, etc so a big thanks to the efdeay crew for asking me to get involved.

Mine is Exodus, about the ship of the same name taking refugees to British Palestine in the hopes of setting up the state of Israel. Have been wanting to make a little book about it of some sort but this was a nice stop-gap before that happens, if ever.

Sorry the picture is so small, I don't actually have a copy so had to steal it off the internet but you can buy your own from the Hato Press website here.

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