Monday, 14 January 2008

first post.

right, had to set up this blog for school but should be a good way of keeping coursework and personal drawings and bits together in one place. unfortunately all my latest project is still up in the studio at uni so instead i've just put up the latest page from my sketchbook. hopefully post more stuff as and when i do it. should be a few times each week, at least thats the plan. 


. said...

that's a good robin

Unknown said...

Was the old homeless French woman inspired by ET?

mattenmurg said...

Why have you drawn me and called it 'French Homeless Woman'? I'm not French!

Jannell Says said...

I love sketchbook posts!
Oh, and its Jannell from myspace, just so you know.

HozzaOaks said...

Wow, didn't know you could actually do good sketches. OH! hahaha. Kidding. I like it.

Brown Boy said...

Who met dawn french?