Saturday, 2 October 2010


Me and a bunch of fellow Camberwellian's (and a few Goldsmith's too) are commandeering the 3rd floor of The Macbeth in Hoxton this week for an exhibition to coincide with the macbeth's film night. They are showing the great 1970 film 'Deep End', and we have all created new work based on the film. Above is a flyer by Ella, the private view is this tuesday the 5th (please ignore the dates on the flyer), and if you RSVP here, it'll be free to get in.
Here is my piece, come and see it bigger and better and in real life on Tuesday, then watch the film. Or watch the film and then come, feeling this multi platform format -will the film be enhanced as you've seen the film or vice versa. Interesting.

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