Saturday, 14 November 2009

It's Nice That

As if enough stuff hasn't been happening lately, this week while in the midst of the LCC Occupation my good friend Owen text me telling me to check out It's Nice That. And lo and behold there I was! Insane. Big thanks to Bart for guest blogging about me. These past few weeks have been mental.

Sunday, 8 November 2009


If you find yourselves in a Borders or Magma or general arty-newsagents around Soho (or indeed Paris or New York) then please have a peruse through the latest edition of Ponytail magazine. Maybe don't buy it, cos it's a tenner (it's up to you), but please have a flick and check out the article Illustration Now in which I am featured alongside Laura Mardon. As you can see from the below pictures there are some of my anarchist drawings, aswell as a full page piece I did especially and on the other spread is a small bio about me and my oil refinery drawing (see previous post for it straight outta my sketchbook). This is all very exciting isn't it! All I need now is to get paid for a drawing and I'll feel like a real illustrator!

Excessive Force

Here it is! The awesome comic anthology to kick off the birth of the Last Hours publishing wing. Excessive Force brings together a collection of international comics artists united under one theme 'police everywhere, justice nowhere'. And alongside Stephanie McMillan, Ken Dahl, Scott Smith, Edd Baldry and Jimi Gherkin, is yours truly, with a short 2-page comic about the Sack Parliament protest in there you go, copies are available for £7 through me ( or from Last Hours

Great Anarchists

I finished this zine over the summer but have had trouble getting it printed, etc and now have my head in a bunch of other projects but it is out there in the real world I promise. There are about 70 or so floating about, you can get one from me ( or from Hausmans in kings cross, or from Last Hours. Also to save me putting up all the pages here you can have a look at the full thing on my website; just follow through to illustration then its the top link, great anarchists. also featured in Ponytail this month but I will get to that shortly!

Wednesday, 4 November 2009


Tuesday, 3 November 2009

makhno mark 2

i haven't already posted this have i?

what can i say, never get bored of drawing makhno. this was for a bit of research for a project i'm doing next year about the ukraine revolution and bolshevik backlash.

expect updates soon about;
excessive force and how awesome it is (my first published comic)
this football zine and what a pain it is (someone please give me money)
zine fairs and how rad they are (4 in 2 weeks? okay)
immigration comics and how confusing they are (i.e-i'm not very good at comics)
black sabbath covers and how nonexistant they are (i.e-i havent started yet)
until then......